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This bracelet took us on one
of those journeys we talked
about in our introductory
note.  The journey led us to
special memories of the past,
and  memories of stories of
the past.  Contemplating the
bracelet led us on a trip of
both imagination and some
research; then ultimately to a
name for this bracelet.

From about 1895-1918, the
syncopated and "ragged"
rhythm music known as
Ragtime was in its heyday.

Pondering this lively copper-
toned bracelet, a few
thoughts came to mind,
leading to the name Ragtime
for the bracelet. The design
has somewhat of a raggedy

When put to the light, the
round barrel (with glints of
copper dust and the pinkish-
purple color of Heliotrope)
brings to mind the great
ragtime music of Scott Joplin
("King of Ragtime") and his
ragtime composition:
"Heliotrope Bouquet" (a Slow
Drag Two-Step).
The revolving barrel bead in
this bracelet also brings to
mind the old piano rolls of
music used in player pianos
during the early 1900s. The
faster you pumped the
pedals, the faster the music


The purple hue in the barrel
bead also makes one think of
grape jelly; and with music
on the mind - the Jelly Roll
Blues of the overlapping
beginnings of the Jazz Age
during that time.
What a shame that audios of
Scott Joplin attacking the
piano keys in his wonderful
syncopated and beautiful
rhythms cannot be found - as
sound recording was not
readily available during that
time. However, fortunately,
Joshua Rifkin has the soul of
Scott Joplin in his renditions
of the "ragtime great's"
music, and Rifkin's masterful
playing is available to us. In
memory of Classic Rag and
Scott Joplin, this bracelet has
incorporated some "ragging"
and a revolving barrel roll in
its' design.  This bracelet is
made for some lively dancing
to Ragtime music.

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Last modified: 04/02/14