Birthstones Body Jewelry Bracelets Earrings  Earth and Beyond Ethnic Necklaces Seaglass Vintage


We would like to take you on a journey…a journey of inspiration and discovery.

The myriad of components and imaginative designs of jewelry can not only delight the eye; but, can also intrigue and inspire. Reflecting on jewelry components can lead to a deeper interest and curiosity regarding various unique qualities of particular pieces. This can then lead to investigative educational journeys related to such things as learning about the geological formation of gemstones and minerals, different types of sea glass throughout the world, ethnic cultural traditions, period art and trends, glass making, symbolism in amulets and talismans, art in nature and nature in art, origins of jewelry dating back to antiquity, and many other paths of interest. That’s how it is with us, and we find it exciting!

Emotions, memories, life experiences, knowledge, and visual perception are among many things that can affect the formation of very individualized interpretations of artistic creations. Here and there throughout the website, we have offered our own interpretations of some of the jewelry pieces, and a few other tidbits we hope you will find interesting. We also hope the names we have chosen for the jewelry pieces will fire your imagination, as they have ours. The creation of the names evolved through a good amount of contemplation. But, these interpretations may be very different from your perceptions, and those of the creators of the jewelry.  We leave many for you to ponder over.

So, as you browse through our website, we hope some of the jewelry will spark your imagination and lead you to travel your own paths of curiosity and discovery. Then,  jewelry that you choose to wear will have a special and more meaningful significance for you, bringing greater pleasure - and even greater value in connecting you to the diverse peoples of the world.

A journey into the emotional, the visual, the educational.
Très Nouveau is on that exciting journey.

Thank you for visiting us.



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Copyright © 2013 Tres Nouveau
Last modified: 04/02/14