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The Basalts of Table Mountain
These Basalt rocks are from northern California's Table Mountain - a little known massive basalt columnar created
millions of years ago by lava flows going down an ancient streambed and paving the streambed with basalt. The less
resistant sediments of the valley walls eventually eroded away, leaving the hardened basalt that survived the erosion
process. Over time, the basalt remained and now stands as a flat-top mountain that used to be the bottom of a
former valley. The basalt's age at Table Mountain has been determined to be 16 million years old by using isotopic
dating techniques.


Reverse side

Table Mountain is the result of
geological processes from ancient
lava flows millions of years ago, and shifting of the Earth that produced small faults and ridges.







Table Mountain's "Hollow Falls"

Side view



During rainy seasons, numerous
waterfalls cascade over the
edges of the plateau, and stream
through cracks, hollows, gullies,
and canyons.  After rains,
grasslands, beautiful wildflowers,
and basalt flow vernal pools spring
to life out of dormancy -
from what appeared to have
been barren rocks. These Northern
Basalt Vernal Pools are rare, and
create habitat for specialized
protected plants and animals.



Reverse side
There are no marked trails
throughout Table Mountain;
so hikers must find their own
way, using care to protect fragile




Basalt underlies more of Earth's ocean and continental surfaces than any other type of rock. It is quarried for many
important uses. Basalt is also abundant on the Moon and on Mars, and exists on other celestial bodies.  The largest
volcano that we know of in our solar system, Olympus Mons on Mars, was formed from basaltic lava flows.  This
immense volcano is approximately 375 miles (600 kilometers) in diameter and 15 miles (25 kilometers) high.   Here
on Earth, there are many "hotspots" of basaltic activity, due to such things as plate movement and fissure eruptions
that occur deep in the oceans and above Earth's surface. All of the islands in the Hawaiian Island chain were built up
from basalt eruptions on the sea floor.  Basalt has the highest temperature of any lava, typically between about 1170-1100°C (~2140-2000°F).

Hammered and twisted metal and wire on
chain and cord, with a toggle closure.
(Toggle not shown)

The Narrows - A 16-mile long spectacular
high-walled narrow gorge carved by the
Virgin River through Zion Canyon in the
state of Utah. The route through The
Narrows is along the river, and the river
, and at times it can be cold and
swift. Canyon walls can rise to over
1,500 ft, and in some spots the passage
is as narrow as 20-30 ft.

This wondrous creation of our Earth is
more than spectacular.



This necklace was designed in recognition of
analogous communication services provided by
Homing Pigeons and Internet Service Providers.

The connection:
Carriers of communications.

ISPs provide services for the transmission of data
via a wide variety of technological networks.

Carrier pigeons have also provided services in the
transmission of data.  Avian carriers were used
extensively during World Wars I and II. One such
homing pigeon, named "Cher Ami," was awarded the
French Croix de Guerre for his heroic and
extraordinary services in delivering important
messages during WWI, despite having been seriously
injured.  "Cher Ami" is on display at the National
Museum of American History, Smithsonian Institution,
Behring Center, Division of Information Technology
and Communications.

"IP Carriers" is a unique, one-of-a-kind necklace
designed by Très Nouveau for the President of a group
of internet companies.



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Last modified: 04/02/14